FindDefaultRolesAsync.robot 872 B

  1. *** Settings ***
  2. Library CustomLibrary
  3. Resource ../../../Utils/HttpClient.robot
  4. Library String
  5. Resource ../../../CommonConfig/Config.robot
  6. *** Variables ***
  7. ${findDefaultRolesAsyncUrl} IRoleService
  8. *** Keywords ***
  9. FindDefaultRolesAsyncPost
  10. [Arguments] ${token} ${organizationCode} ${language}
  11. ${param} Create Dictionary
  12. Set To Dictionary ${param} Token ${token}
  13. Set To Dictionary ${param} OrganizationCode ${organizationCode}
  14. Set To Dictionary ${param} Language ${language}
  15. ${body} Generate Params FindDefaultRolesAsync ${param}
  16. Log ${body}
  17. Log ---开始断言验证---
  18. ${response} PostRequest ${host} ${findDefaultRolesAsyncUrl} ${body}
  19. ${res} Response Analysis ${response}
  20. Log ${res}
  21. [Return] ${res}