1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 |
- *** Settings ***
- Library CustomLibrary
- Resource ../../../Utils/HttpClient.robot
- Library String
- Resource ../../../CommonConfig/Config.robot
- *** Variables ***
- ${savePersonOrganizationAsyncUrl} IOrganizationService
- *** Keywords ***
- SavePersonOrganizationAsyncPost
- [Arguments] ${token} ${regionCode} ${parentCode} ${logoUrl} ${organizationCode} ${organizationName} ${patientType} ${isEncryptedShow} ${referralLimitHours} ${referralOrganizationCode}
- ${param} Create Dictionary
- Set To Dictionary ${param} Token ${token}
- Set To Dictionary ${param} RegionCode ${regionCode}
- Set To Dictionary ${param} ParentCode ${parentCode}
- Set To Dictionary ${param} LogoUrl ${logoUrl}
- Set To Dictionary ${param} OrganizationCode ${organizationCode}
- Set To Dictionary ${param} OrganizationName ${organizationName}
- Set To Dictionary ${param} PatientType ${patientType}
- Set To Dictionary ${param} IsEncryptedShow ${isEncryptedShow}
- Set To Dictionary ${param} ReferralLimitHours ${referralLimitHours}
- ${referralOrganizationCodes} Split String ${referralOrganizationCode} ,
- Set To Dictionary ${param} ReferralOrganizationCodes ${referralOrganizationCodes}
- ${body} Generate Params SavePersonOrganizationAsync ${param}
- Log ${param}
- Log ---开始断言验证---
- ${response} PostRequest ${host} ${savePersonOrganizationAsyncUrl} ${body}
- Log ${response}
- ${res} Response Analysis ${response}
- Log ${res}
- [Return] ${res}