API | Description |
sharedInstance | Creates a TRTCCloud singleton. |
destroySharedInstance | Destroys a TRTCCloud singleton. |
registerListener | Registers an event listener. |
unRegisterListener | Unregisters an event listener. |
API | Description |
enterRoom | Enters a room. If the room does not exist, the system will create one automatically. |
exitRoom | Exits a room. |
switchRole | Switches roles. This API works only in live streaming scenarios (TRTC_APP_SCENE_LIVE and TRTC_APP_SCENE_VOICE_CHATROOM ). |
setDefaultStreamRecvMode | Sets the audio/video data receiving mode, which must be set before room entry to take effect. |
connectOtherRoom | Requests a cross-room call (anchor competition). |
disconnectOtherRoom | Exits a cross-room call. |
switchRoom | Switches rooms. |
API | Description |
startPublishing | Starts pushing to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN. |
stopPublishing | Stops pushing to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN. |
startPublishCDNStream | Starts relaying to the live streaming CDN of a non-Tencent Cloud vendor. |
stopPublishCDNStream | Stops relaying to the live streaming CDN of a non-Tencent Cloud vendor. |
setMixTranscodingConfig | Sets On-Cloud MixTranscoding parameters. |
API | Description |
startLocalPreview | Enables preview of the local video. |
stopLocalPreview | Stops local video capturing and preview. |
muteLocalVideo | Pauses/Resumes pushing local video data. |
startRemoteView | Starts displaying the image of a remote user. |
stopRemoteView | Stops displaying the video image of a remote user and pulling the user’s video stream. |
stopAllRemoteView | Stops displaying the video images of all users and pulling their video streams. |
muteRemoteVideoStream | Pauses/Resumes receiving a specified remote video stream. |
muteAllRemoteVideoStreams | Pauses/Resumes receiving all remote video streams. |
setVideoEncoderParam | Sets video encoder parameters. |
setNetworkQosParam | Sets QoS control parameters. |
setLocalRenderParams | Sets the rendering mode of the local image. |
setRemoteRenderParams | Sets remote image parameters. |
setVideoEncoderRotation | Sets the rotation of encoded video images, i.e., images presented to remote users and recorded by the server. |
setVideoEncoderMirror | Sets the mirror mode of encoded images. |
setGSensorMode | Sets the adaptation mode of the G-sensor. |
enableEncSmallVideoStream | Enables the dual-channel (big and small images) encoding mode. |
setRemoteVideoStreamType | Switches between the small and big images of a specified user. |
snapshotVideo | Takes a video screenshot. |
API | Description |
startLocalAudio | Enables local audio capturing and upstream data transfer. |
stopLocalAudio | Disables local audio capturing and upstream data transfer. |
muteLocalAudio | Mutes/Unmutes the local audio. |
setVideoMuteImage | Sets the image to be pushed when local video pushing is paused. |
setAudioRoute | Sets the audio route. |
muteRemoteAudio | Mutes/Unmutes the audio of a specified remote user. |
muteAllRemoteAudio | Mutes/Unmutes all users. |
setAudioCaptureVolume | Sets the SDK capturing volume. |
getAudioCaptureVolume | Gets the SDK capturing volume. |
setAudioPlayoutVolume | Sets the SDK playback volume. |
getAudioPlayoutVolume | Gets the SDK playback volume. |
enableAudioVolumeEvaluation | Enables volume reminders. |
startAudioRecording | Starts audio recording. |
stopAudioRecording | Stops audio recording. |
setSystemVolumeType | Sets the system volume type used during calls. |
API | Description |
getDeviceManager | Gets the device management module. For details, see device management APIs. |
API | Description |
getBeautyManager | Gets the beauty filter management object. For details, see the document on beauty filter management. |
setWatermark | Adds watermarks. |
API | Description |
getAudioEffectManager | Gets the audio effect management class TXAudioEffectManager , which is used to manage background music, short audio effects, and voice effects. For details, see the document on audio effect management. |
API | Description |
startScreenCapture | Starts screen sharing. |
stopScreenCapture | Stops screen sharing. |
pauseScreenCapture | Pauses screen sharing. |
resumeScreenCapture | Resumes screen sharing. |
API | Description |
sendCustomCmdMsg | Sends a custom message to all users in the room. |
sendSEIMsg | Embeds small-volume custom data in video frames. |
API | Description |
startSpeedTest | Starts network speed testing. This may compromise the quality of video calls and should be avoided during a video call. |
stopSpeedTest | Stops server speed testing. |
API | Description |
getSDKVersion | Gets the SDK version. |
setLogLevel | Sets the log output level. |
setLogDirPath | Changes the path to save logs. |
setLogCompressEnabled | Enables/Disables local log compression. |
setConsoleEnabled | Enables/Disables console log printing. |
Callback APIs for the TRTC video call feature
API | Description |
onError | Error callback. This indicates that the SDK encountered an irrecoverable error. Such errors must be listened for, and UI messages should be displayed to users if necessary. |
onWarning | Warning callback. This alerts you to non-serious problems such as lag or recoverable decoding failure. |
API | Description |
onEnterRoom | Callback of room entry |
onExitRoom | Callback of room exit |
onSwitchRole | Callback of role switching |
onConnectOtherRoom | Callback of the result of requesting a cross-room call (anchor competition) |
onDisConnectOtherRoom | Callback of the result of ending a cross-room call (anchor competition) |
onSwitchRoom | Callback of the result of room switching (switchRoom ) |
API | Description |
onRemoteUserEnterRoom | Callback of the entry of a user |
onRemoteUserLeaveRoom | Callback of the exit of a user |
onUserVideoAvailable | Callback of whether a remote user has a playable primary image (usually the image of the camera) |
onUserSubStreamAvailable | Callback of whether a remote user has a playable substream image (usually the screen sharing image) |
onUserAudioAvailable | Callback of whether a remote user has playable audio |
onFirstVideoFrame | Callback of rendering the first video frame of the local user or a remote user |
onFirstAudioFrame | Callback of playing the first audio frame of a remote user. No notifications are sent for local audio. |
onSendFirstLocalVideoFrame | Callback of sending the first local video frame |
onSendFirstLocalAudioFrame | Callback of sending the first local audio frame |
Callback APIs for background music playback
API | Description |
onMusicObserverStart | Callback of starting music playback |
onMusicObserverPlayProgress | Callback of the music playback progress |
onMusicObserverComplete | Callback of ending music playback |
API | Description |
onNetworkQuality | Callback of network quality. This callback is triggered every 2 seconds to collect statistics on the quality of current upstream and downstream data transfer. |
onStatistics | Callback of statistics on technical metrics |
API | Description |
onConnectionLost | Callback of the disconnection of the SDK from the server |
onTryToReconnect | Callback of the SDK trying to connect to the server again |
onConnectionRecovery | Callback of the reconnection of the SDK to the server |
onSpeedTest | Callback of server speed test results. The SDK tests the speed of multiple server addresses, and the result of each test is returned through this callback. |
API | Description |
onCameraDidReady | Callback of the camera being ready |
onMicDidReady | Callback of the mic being ready |
onUserVoiceVolume | Callback of volume, including the volume of each userId and the total remote volume |
API | Description |
onRecvCustomCmdMsg | Callback of receiving a custom message |
onMissCustomCmdMsg | Callback of losing a custom message |
onRecvSEIMsg | Callback of receiving an SEI message |
API | Description |
onStartPublishing | Callback of starting to push to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN, which corresponds to the startPublishing() API in TRTCCloud |
onStopPublishing | Callback of stopping pushing to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN, which corresponds to the stopPublishing() API in TRTCCloud |
onStartPublishCDNStream | Callback of the completion of starting relayed push to CDNs |
onStopPublishCDNStream | Callback of the completion of stopping relayed push to CDNs |
onSetMixTranscodingConfig | Callback of setting On-Cloud MixTranscoding parameters, which corresponds to the setMixTranscodingConfig() API in TRTCCloud |
API | Description |
onScreenCaptureStarted | Callback of starting screen sharing |
onScreenCapturePaused | Callback of pausing screen sharing via the calling of pauseScreenCapture() |
onScreenCaptureResumed | Callback of resuming screen sharing via the calling of resumeScreenCapture() |
onScreenCaptureStoped | Callback of stopping screen sharing |
API | Description |
onSnapshotComplete | Callback of the completion of a screenshot |
Class | Description |
TRTCCloudDef | Variables for key class definitions |
TRTCParams | Room entry parameters |
TRTCSwitchRoomConfig | Room switching parameters |
TRTCVideoEncParam | Video encoding parameters |
TRTCNetworkQosParam | QoS control parameters |
TRTCRenderParams | Remote image parameters |
TRTCMixUser | Position of the image of each channel in On-Cloud MixTranscoding |
TRTCTranscodingConfig | On-Cloud MixTranscoding configuration |
TXVoiceChangerType | Definitions of voice changing types (little girl, middle-aged man, metal, foreign accent, etc.) |
TXVoiceReverbType | Definitions of reverb effect types (karaoke, room, hall, low and deep, resonant, etc.) |
AudioMusicParam | Parameters for music and voice effect setting APIs |
TRTCAudioRecordingParams | Audio recording parameters |
TRTCPublishCDNParam | CDN relayed push parameters |