* Copyright 2018, 2019, 2020 Dooboolab.
* This file is part of Flutter-Sound.
* Flutter-Sound is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (LGPL-V3), as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* Flutter-Sound is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Flutter-Sound. If not, see .
library flutter_sound;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:flutter_sound_platform_interface/flutter_sound_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:flutter_sound_platform_interface/flutter_sound_player_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:flutter_web_plugins/flutter_web_plugins.dart';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:logger/logger.dart' show Level , Logger;
// ==================================== JS =======================================================
external FlutterSoundPlayer newPlayerInstance(FlutterSoundPlayerCallback theCallBack, List callbackTable);
class FlutterSoundPlayer
external int releaseMediaPlayer();
external int initializeMediaPlayer( );
external int setAudioFocus(int focus, int category, int mode, int? audioFlags, int device,);
external int getPlayerState();
external bool isDecoderSupported( int codec,);
external int setSubscriptionDuration( int duration);
external int startPlayer(int? codec, Uint8List? fromDataBuffer, String? fromURI, int? numChannels, int? sampleRate);
external int feed(Uint8List? data,);
external int startPlayerFromTrack(int progress, int duration, Map track, bool canPause, bool canSkipForward, bool canSkipBackward, bool defaultPauseResume, bool removeUIWhenStopped, );
external int nowPlaying(int progress, int duration, Map? track, bool? canPause, bool? canSkipForward, bool? canSkipBackward, bool? defaultPauseResume, );
external int stopPlayer();
external int pausePlayer();
external int resumePlayer();
external int seekToPlayer( int duration);
external int setVolume(double? volume);
external int setSpeed(double speed);
external int setUIProgressBar(int duration, int progress);
List callbackTable =
allowInterop( (FlutterSoundPlayerCallback cb, int position, int duration) { cb.updateProgress(duration: duration, position: position,);} ),
allowInterop( (FlutterSoundPlayerCallback cb, int state) { cb.updatePlaybackState(state,);} ),
allowInterop( (FlutterSoundPlayerCallback cb, int ln) { cb.needSomeFood(ln,);} ),
allowInterop( (FlutterSoundPlayerCallback cb, int state) { cb.audioPlayerFinished(state,);} ),
allowInterop( (FlutterSoundPlayerCallback cb, int state, bool success, int duration) { cb.startPlayerCompleted(state, success, duration,);} ),
allowInterop( (FlutterSoundPlayerCallback cb, int state, bool success) { cb.pausePlayerCompleted(state, success);} ),
allowInterop( (FlutterSoundPlayerCallback cb, int state, bool success) { cb.resumePlayerCompleted(state, success);} ),
allowInterop( (FlutterSoundPlayerCallback cb, int state, bool success) { cb.stopPlayerCompleted(state, success);} ),
allowInterop( (FlutterSoundPlayerCallback cb, int state, bool success) { cb.openPlayerCompleted(state, success);} ),
allowInterop( (FlutterSoundPlayerCallback cb, int state, bool success) { cb.closePlayerCompleted(state, success);} ),
allowInterop( (FlutterSoundPlayerCallback cb, int level, String msg) { cb.log(Level.values[level], msg);} ),
/// The web implementation of [FlutterSoundPlatform].
/// This class implements the `package:flutter_sound_player` functionality for the web.
class FlutterSoundPlayerWeb extends FlutterSoundPlayerPlatform //implements FlutterSoundPlayerCallback
static List defaultExtensions =
"flutter_sound.aac", // defaultCodec
"flutter_sound.aac", // aacADTS
"flutter_sound.opus", // opusOGG
"flutter_sound_opus.caf", // opusCAF
"flutter_sound.mp3", // mp3
"flutter_sound.ogg", // vorbisOGG
"flutter_sound.pcm", // pcm16
"flutter_sound.wav", // pcm16WAV
"flutter_sound.aiff", // pcm16AIFF
"flutter_sound_pcm.caf", // pcm16CAF
"flutter_sound.flac", // flac
"flutter_sound.mp4", // aacMP4
"flutter_sound.amr", // amrNB
"flutter_sound.amr", // amrWB
"flutter_sound.pcm", // pcm8
"flutter_sound.pcm", // pcmFloat32
/// Registers this class as the default instance of [FlutterSoundPlatform].
static void registerWith(Registrar registrar)
FlutterSoundPlayerPlatform.instance = FlutterSoundPlayerWeb();
/* ctor */ MethodChannelFlutterSoundPlayer()
//============================================ Session manager ===================================================================
List _slots = [];
FlutterSoundPlayer? getWebSession(FlutterSoundPlayerCallback callback)
return _slots[findSession(callback)];
Future? resetPlugin(FlutterSoundPlayerCallback callback,)
callback.log(Level.debug, '---> resetPlugin');
for (int i = 0; i < _slots.length; ++i)
callback.log(Level.debug, "Releasing slot #$i");
_slots = [];
callback.log(Level.debug, '<--- resetPlugin');
return null;
Future openPlayer(FlutterSoundPlayerCallback callback, {required Level logLevel, bool voiceProcessing = false}) async
// openAudioSessionCompleter = new Completer();
// await invokeMethod( callback, 'initializeMediaPlayer', {'focus': focus.index, 'category': category.index, 'mode': mode.index, 'audioFlags': audioFlags, 'device': device.index, 'withUI': withUI ? 1 : 0 ,},) ;
// return openAudioSessionCompleter.future ;
int slotno = findSession(callback);
if (slotno < _slots.length)
assert (_slots[slotno] == null);
_slots[slotno] = newPlayerInstance(callback, callbackTable);
} else
assert(slotno == _slots.length);
_slots.add( newPlayerInstance(callback, callbackTable));
return _slots[slotno]!.initializeMediaPlayer( );
Future closePlayer(FlutterSoundPlayerCallback callback, ) async
int slotno = findSession(callback);
int r = _slots[slotno]!.releaseMediaPlayer();
_slots[slotno] = null;
return r;
Future getPlayerState(FlutterSoundPlayerCallback callback, ) async
return getWebSession(callback)!.getPlayerState();