searchController parameter, The TextEditingController used for searchable dropdowns. If null, then it'll perform as a normal dropdown without searching feature.
searchInnerWidget parameter, The widget to be shown at the top of the dropdown menu for searchable dropdowns, such as search bar.
searchMatchFn parameter, The match function used for searchable dropdowns, if null _defaultSearchMatchFn will be used.
Improve selectedItemOffset to get accurate scrollOffset when dropdown padding is set.
Update README.
Add barrierDismissible parameter, you can prevent dismissing the menu by tapping the modal barrier.
Add barrierColor parameter, you can change the color of the modal barrier (default is transparent). close #35.
Add barrierLabel parameter, you can set the semantic label used for a dismissible barrier.
Update README.
Allow opening the button programmatically using GlobalKey. close #33.
Use PlatformDispatcher.instance over window.
Use super parameters lint.
Add Multiselect Dropdown with Checkboxes Example.
Update README.
Breaking Changes:
Flutter 3.0.0 upgrade.
Update README.
Breaking Changes:
Remove onTap parameter.
Remove onMenuClose parameter.
Add onMenuStateChange parameter, It's called when the dropdown menu is opened or closed. close #24.
Update README.
Prevent scrollbar and ripple effect from going beyond the menu rounded border boundaries when scrolling. fix #21.
Update docs & README.
Update docs & README.
Add dropdownFullScreen parameter, if true, menu will open in fullscreen mode (Above AppBar & TabBar). close #20.
Update README.
Add selectedItemHighlightColor parameter, It specifies highlight color of the current selected item.
Update README.
Add onMenuClose parameter, It calls a function when the dropdown menu is closed.
Update README.
Breaking Changes:
Fix tappable area for DropdownButtonFormField & add InkWell to DropdownButton [Flutter Dropdown Update].
Inline casts on Element.widget getter to improve web performance [Flutter Dropdown Update].
Fix DropdownButtonFormField loses highlight when menu opens and stays highlighted after menu closes.
Add iconOnClick parameter, It toggles different icon when dropdown menu open, close #12.
Update README.
Prevent first item to be highlighted when there's no item selected on web and desktop mode (when FocusHighlightMode is set to traditional).
Prevent button's color to change to focusColor when selecting items on web and desktop mode (when FocusHighlightMode is set to traditional).
Breaking Changes:
Rename itemWidth to dropdownWidth for clearness.
Prevent items from going beyond the menu rounded border boundaries when scrolling.
Remove borderRadius from first and last item of the dropdown menu.
Change List.from to List.of "Dart lint".
Update README.
BoxShadow can now be added to dropdownDecoration, and if so, it will be used instead of dropdownElevation.
Change some parameters names to be more clear.
Add dropdown decoration as BoxDecoration parameter.
Add Options table to README.
Add "How to use DropdownButton2 with dividers" to README Examples.
Add "How to use DropdownButtonFormField2 with Form" to README Examples.