import 'dart:math'; import 'package:fis_ui/define.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; /// Animation that displays a [text] element, coloring it to look like sloshing /// water is filling it up. /// /// ![TextLiquidFill example]( class TextLiquidFill extends StatefulWidget implements FWidget { final Widget? child; /// Gives [TextStyle] to the text string. /// /// By default it is `TextStyle(fontSize: 140, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)` final TextStyle textStyle; /// Gives [TextAlign] to the text string. /// /// By default it is [TextAlign.left]. final TextAlign textAlign; /// Specifies the duration the text should fill with liquid. /// /// By default it is set to 6 seconds. final Duration loadDuration; /// Specifies the duration that one wave takes to pass the screen. /// /// By default it is set to 2 seconds. final Duration waveDuration; /// Specifies the height of the box around text /// /// By default it is set to 250 final double boxHeight; /// Specifies the width of the box around text /// /// By default it is set to 400 final double boxWidth; /// String which would be filled by liquid animation final String text; /// Specifies the backgroundColor of the box /// /// By default it is set to black color final Color boxBackgroundColor; /// Specifies the color of the wave /// /// By default it is set to blueAccent color final Color waveColor; /// Specifies the load limit: (0, 1.0]. This may be used to limit the liquid /// fill effect to less than 100%. /// /// By default, the animation will load to 1.0 (100%). final double loadUntil; /// Enable loop. Default false. final bool loop; const TextLiquidFill({ Key? key, required this.text, this.child, this.textStyle = const TextStyle(fontSize: 140, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), this.textAlign = TextAlign.left, this.loadDuration = const Duration(seconds: 6), this.waveDuration = const Duration(seconds: 2), this.boxHeight = 250, this.boxWidth = 400, this.boxBackgroundColor =, this.waveColor = Colors.blueAccent, this.loadUntil = 1.0, this.loop = false, }) : assert(loadUntil > 0 && loadUntil <= 1.0), super(key: key); /// Creates the mutable state for this widget. See [StatefulWidget.createState]. @override _TextLiquidFillState createState() => _TextLiquidFillState(); } class _TextLiquidFillState extends State with TickerProviderStateMixin { final _textKey = GlobalKey(); late AnimationController _waveController, _loadController; late Animation _loadValue; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _waveController = AnimationController( vsync: this, duration: widget.waveDuration, ); _loadController = AnimationController( vsync: this, duration: widget.loadDuration, ); _loadValue = Tween( begin: 0.1, end: widget.loadUntil, ).animate(_loadController); if (1.0 == widget.loadUntil && widget.loop == false) { _loadValue.addStatusListener((status) { if (AnimationStatus.completed == status) { // Stop the repeating wave when the load has completed to 100% _waveController.stop(); } }); } _waveController.repeat(); if (!widget.loop) _loadController.forward(); if (widget.loop) _loadController.repeat(); } @override void dispose() { _waveController.dispose(); _loadController.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Stack( children: [ Container( margin: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 1), // 解决Mobile多出1像素问题 height: widget.boxHeight, width: widget.boxWidth - 2, // 同上 child: AnimatedBuilder( animation: _waveController, builder: (BuildContext context, Widget? child) { return CustomPaint( painter: _WavePainter( textKey: _textKey, waveValue: _waveController.value, loadValue: _loadValue.value, boxHeight: widget.boxHeight, waveColor: widget.waveColor, ), ); }, ), ), SizedBox( height: widget.boxHeight, width: widget.boxWidth, child: ShaderMask( blendMode: BlendMode.srcOut, shaderCallback: (bounds) => LinearGradient( colors: [widget.boxBackgroundColor], stops: const [0.0], ).createShader(bounds), child: Container( color: Colors.transparent, child: Center( child: widget.child != null ? Container( key: _textKey, child: widget.child, ) : Text( widget.text, key: _textKey, style: widget.textStyle, textAlign: widget.textAlign, ), ), ), ), ) ], ); } } class _WavePainter extends CustomPainter { static const _pi2 = 2 * pi; final GlobalKey textKey; final double waveValue; final double loadValue; final double boxHeight; final Color waveColor; _WavePainter({ required this.textKey, required this.waveValue, required this.loadValue, required this.boxHeight, required this.waveColor, }); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { final RenderBox? textBox = textKey.currentContext!.findRenderObject() as RenderBox; if (textBox == null) return; final textHeight = textBox.size.height; final baseHeight = (boxHeight / 2) + (textHeight / 2) - (loadValue * textHeight); final width = size.width; final height = size.height; final path = Path(); path.moveTo(0.0, baseHeight); for (var i = 0.0; i < width; i++) { path.lineTo(i, baseHeight + sin(_pi2 * (i / width + waveValue)) * 8); } path.lineTo(width, height); path.lineTo(0.0, height); path.close(); final wavePaint = Paint()..color = waveColor; canvas.drawPath(path, wavePaint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) { return true; } }