import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; /// 表格列配置 class TableColumn { TableColumn({ this.headerText, this.headerRender, this.textFormatter, this.render, this.textAlign =, this.flex = 1, this.width, this.minWidth, this.maxWidth, this.textFontSize = 15, }) : assert(() { if (headerText == null && headerRender == null) { throw FlutterError( "`titleText` and `headerRender` cannot both be null."); } return true; }()), assert(() { if (textFormatter == null && render == null) { throw FlutterError( "`textFormatter` and `render` cannot both be null."); } return true; }()); /// 列头文本 final String? headerText; /// 列头自定义渲染 final Widget Function()? headerRender; /// 内容文本格式器 final String Function(T rowData, int rowIndex)? textFormatter; /// 内容自定义渲染 final Widget Function(T rowData, int rowIndex)? render; /// 内容文本对齐方式 final TextAlign textAlign; /// 列宽自适应权重 final int flex; /// 固定栏宽 -尚未启用 final double? width; /// 最小列宽 -尚未启用 final double? minWidth; /// 最大列宽 -尚未启用 final double? maxWidth; /// 在内容文本格式器的时候改变文字大小 final double? textFontSize; int get actualFlex => width != null || maxWidth != null ? 0 : flex; bool get hasWidthLimit => width != null || maxWidth != null || minWidth != null; }