123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173 |
- import warnings
- warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
- warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
- import torch, yaml, cv2, os, shutil, sys, glob
- import numpy as np
- np.random.seed(0)
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from tqdm import trange
- from PIL import Image
- from ultralytics.nn.tasks import attempt_load_weights
- from timm.utils import AverageMeter
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- plt.rcParams["font.family"] = "Times New Roman"
- import seaborn as sns
- def get_activation(feat, backbone_idx=-1):
- def hook(model, inputs, outputs):
- if backbone_idx != -1:
- for _ in range(5 - len(outputs)): outputs.insert(0, None)
- feat.append(outputs[backbone_idx])
- else:
- feat.append(outputs)
- return hook
- def letterbox(im, new_shape=(640, 640), color=(114, 114, 114), auto=True, scaleFill=False, scaleup=True, stride=32):
- # Resize and pad image while meeting stride-multiple constraints
- shape = im.shape[:2] # current shape [height, width]
- if isinstance(new_shape, int):
- new_shape = (new_shape, new_shape)
- # Scale ratio (new / old)
- r = min(new_shape[0] / shape[0], new_shape[1] / shape[1])
- if not scaleup: # only scale down, do not scale up (for better val mAP)
- r = min(r, 1.0)
- # Compute padding
- ratio = r, r # width, height ratios
- new_unpad = int(round(shape[1] * r)), int(round(shape[0] * r))
- dw, dh = new_shape[1] - new_unpad[0], new_shape[0] - new_unpad[1] # wh padding
- if auto: # minimum rectangle
- dw, dh = np.mod(dw, stride), np.mod(dh, stride) # wh padding
- elif scaleFill: # stretch
- dw, dh = 0.0, 0.0
- new_unpad = (new_shape[1], new_shape[0])
- ratio = new_shape[1] / shape[1], new_shape[0] / shape[0] # width, height ratios
- dw /= 2 # divide padding into 2 sides
- dh /= 2
- if shape[::-1] != new_unpad: # resize
- im = cv2.resize(im, new_unpad, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
- top, bottom = int(round(dh - 0.1)), int(round(dh + 0.1))
- left, right = int(round(dw - 0.1)), int(round(dw + 0.1))
- im = cv2.copyMakeBorder(im, top, bottom, left, right, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=color) # add border
- return im, ratio, (dw, dh)
- def get_rectangle(data, thresh):
- h, w = data.shape
- all_sum = np.sum(data)
- for i in range(1, h // 2):
- selected_area = data[h // 2 - i:h // 2 + 1 + i, w // 2 - i:w // 2 + 1 + i]
- area_sum = np.sum(selected_area)
- if area_sum / all_sum > thresh:
- return i * 2 + 1, (i * 2 + 1) / h * (i * 2 + 1) / w
- return None
- def heatmap(data, camp='RdYlGn', figsize=(10, 10.75), ax=None, save_path=None):
- plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=40)
- ax = sns.heatmap(data,
- xticklabels=False,
- yticklabels=False, cmap=camp,
- center=0, annot=False, ax=ax, cbar=True, annot_kws={"size": 24}, fmt='.2f')
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.savefig(save_path)
- class yolov8_erf:
- feature, hooks = [], []
- def __init__(self, weight, device, layer, dataset, num_images, save_path) -> None:
- device = torch.device(device)
- ckpt = torch.load(weight)
- model = attempt_load_weights(weight, device)
- model.info()
- for p in model.parameters():
- p.requires_grad_(True)
- model.eval()
- optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0, weight_decay=0)
- meter = AverageMeter()
- optimizer.zero_grad()
- if '-' in layer:
- layer_first, layer_second = layer.split('-')
- self.hooks.append(model.model[int(layer_first)].register_forward_hook(get_activation(self.feature, backbone_idx=int(layer_second))))
- else:
- self.hooks.append(model.model[int(layer)].register_forward_hook(get_activation(self.feature)))
- self.__dict__.update(locals())
- def get_input_grad(self, samples):
- _ = self.model(samples)
- outputs = self.feature[-1]
- self.feature.clear()
- out_size = outputs.size()
- central_point = torch.nn.functional.relu(outputs[:, :, out_size[2] // 2, out_size[3] // 2]).sum()
- grad = torch.autograd.grad(central_point, samples)
- grad = grad[0]
- grad = torch.nn.functional.relu(grad)
- aggregated = grad.sum((0, 1))
- grad_map = aggregated.cpu().numpy()
- return grad_map
- def process(self):
- for image_path in os.listdir(self.dataset):
- if self.meter.count == self.num_images:
- break
- img = cv2.imread(f'{self.dataset}/{image_path}')
- img = letterbox(img, auto=False)[0]
- img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
- img = np.float32(img) / 255.0
- samples = torch.from_numpy(np.transpose(img, axes=[2, 0, 1])).unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)
- samples.requires_grad = True
- self.optimizer.zero_grad()
- contribution_scores = self.get_input_grad(samples)
- if np.isnan(np.sum(contribution_scores)):
- print('got NAN, next image')
- continue
- else:
- print(f'{self.meter.count}/{self.num_images} calculate....')
- self.meter.update(contribution_scores)
- # Set figure parameters
- large = 24; med = 24; small = 24
- params = {'axes.titlesize': large,
- 'legend.fontsize': med,
- 'figure.figsize': (16, 10),
- 'axes.labelsize': med,
- 'xtick.labelsize': med,
- 'ytick.labelsize': med,
- 'figure.titlesize': large}
- plt.rcParams.update(params)
- plt.style.use('seaborn-whitegrid')
- sns.set_style("white")
- plt.rc('font', **{'family': 'Times New Roman'})
- plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
- data = self.meter.avg
- print(f'max value:{np.max(data):.3f} min value:{np.min(data):.3f}')
- data = np.log10(data + 1) # the scores differ in magnitude. take the logarithm for better readability
- data = data / np.max(data) # rescale to [0,1] for the comparability among models
- print('======================= the high-contribution area ratio =====================')
- for thresh in [0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.99]:
- side_length, area_ratio = get_rectangle(data, thresh)
- print('thresh, rectangle side length, area ratio: ', thresh, side_length, area_ratio)
- heatmap(data, save_path=self.save_path)
- def get_params():
- params = {
- 'weight': 'yolov8n.pt', # 只需要指定权重即可
- 'device': 'cuda:0',
- 'layer': '10', # string
- 'dataset': '',
- 'num_images': 50,
- 'save_path': 'result.png'
- }
- return params
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- cfg = get_params()
- yolov8_erf(**cfg).process()