123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259 |
- #include <iostream>
- #include <opencv2/core.hpp>
- #include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
- #include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
- #include <torch/torch.h>
- #include <torch/script.h>
- using torch::indexing::Slice;
- using torch::indexing::None;
- float generate_scale(cv::Mat& image, const std::vector<int>& target_size) {
- int origin_w = image.cols;
- int origin_h = image.rows;
- int target_h = target_size[0];
- int target_w = target_size[1];
- float ratio_h = static_cast<float>(target_h) / static_cast<float>(origin_h);
- float ratio_w = static_cast<float>(target_w) / static_cast<float>(origin_w);
- float resize_scale = std::min(ratio_h, ratio_w);
- return resize_scale;
- }
- float letterbox(cv::Mat &input_image, cv::Mat &output_image, const std::vector<int> &target_size) {
- if (input_image.cols == target_size[1] && input_image.rows == target_size[0]) {
- if (input_image.data == output_image.data) {
- return 1.;
- } else {
- output_image = input_image.clone();
- return 1.;
- }
- }
- float resize_scale = generate_scale(input_image, target_size);
- int new_shape_w = std::round(input_image.cols * resize_scale);
- int new_shape_h = std::round(input_image.rows * resize_scale);
- float padw = (target_size[1] - new_shape_w) / 2.;
- float padh = (target_size[0] - new_shape_h) / 2.;
- int top = std::round(padh - 0.1);
- int bottom = std::round(padh + 0.1);
- int left = std::round(padw - 0.1);
- int right = std::round(padw + 0.1);
- cv::resize(input_image, output_image,
- cv::Size(new_shape_w, new_shape_h),
- 0, 0, cv::INTER_AREA);
- cv::copyMakeBorder(output_image, output_image, top, bottom, left, right,
- cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar(114.));
- return resize_scale;
- }
- torch::Tensor xyxy2xywh(const torch::Tensor& x) {
- auto y = torch::empty_like(x);
- y.index_put_({"...", 0}, (x.index({"...", 0}) + x.index({"...", 2})).div(2));
- y.index_put_({"...", 1}, (x.index({"...", 1}) + x.index({"...", 3})).div(2));
- y.index_put_({"...", 2}, x.index({"...", 2}) - x.index({"...", 0}));
- y.index_put_({"...", 3}, x.index({"...", 3}) - x.index({"...", 1}));
- return y;
- }
- torch::Tensor xywh2xyxy(const torch::Tensor& x) {
- auto y = torch::empty_like(x);
- auto dw = x.index({"...", 2}).div(2);
- auto dh = x.index({"...", 3}).div(2);
- y.index_put_({"...", 0}, x.index({"...", 0}) - dw);
- y.index_put_({"...", 1}, x.index({"...", 1}) - dh);
- y.index_put_({"...", 2}, x.index({"...", 0}) + dw);
- y.index_put_({"...", 3}, x.index({"...", 1}) + dh);
- return y;
- }
- // Reference: https://github.com/pytorch/vision/blob/main/torchvision/csrc/ops/cpu/nms_kernel.cpp
- torch::Tensor nms(const torch::Tensor& bboxes, const torch::Tensor& scores, float iou_threshold) {
- if (bboxes.numel() == 0)
- return torch::empty({0}, bboxes.options().dtype(torch::kLong));
- auto x1_t = bboxes.select(1, 0).contiguous();
- auto y1_t = bboxes.select(1, 1).contiguous();
- auto x2_t = bboxes.select(1, 2).contiguous();
- auto y2_t = bboxes.select(1, 3).contiguous();
- torch::Tensor areas_t = (x2_t - x1_t) * (y2_t - y1_t);
- auto order_t = std::get<1>(
- scores.sort(/*stable=*/true, /*dim=*/0, /* descending=*/true));
- auto ndets = bboxes.size(0);
- torch::Tensor suppressed_t = torch::zeros({ndets}, bboxes.options().dtype(torch::kByte));
- torch::Tensor keep_t = torch::zeros({ndets}, bboxes.options().dtype(torch::kLong));
- auto suppressed = suppressed_t.data_ptr<uint8_t>();
- auto keep = keep_t.data_ptr<int64_t>();
- auto order = order_t.data_ptr<int64_t>();
- auto x1 = x1_t.data_ptr<float>();
- auto y1 = y1_t.data_ptr<float>();
- auto x2 = x2_t.data_ptr<float>();
- auto y2 = y2_t.data_ptr<float>();
- auto areas = areas_t.data_ptr<float>();
- int64_t num_to_keep = 0;
- for (int64_t _i = 0; _i < ndets; _i++) {
- auto i = order[_i];
- if (suppressed[i] == 1)
- continue;
- keep[num_to_keep++] = i;
- auto ix1 = x1[i];
- auto iy1 = y1[i];
- auto ix2 = x2[i];
- auto iy2 = y2[i];
- auto iarea = areas[i];
- for (int64_t _j = _i + 1; _j < ndets; _j++) {
- auto j = order[_j];
- if (suppressed[j] == 1)
- continue;
- auto xx1 = std::max(ix1, x1[j]);
- auto yy1 = std::max(iy1, y1[j]);
- auto xx2 = std::min(ix2, x2[j]);
- auto yy2 = std::min(iy2, y2[j]);
- auto w = std::max(static_cast<float>(0), xx2 - xx1);
- auto h = std::max(static_cast<float>(0), yy2 - yy1);
- auto inter = w * h;
- auto ovr = inter / (iarea + areas[j] - inter);
- if (ovr > iou_threshold)
- suppressed[j] = 1;
- }
- }
- return keep_t.narrow(0, 0, num_to_keep);
- }
- torch::Tensor non_max_suppression(torch::Tensor& prediction, float conf_thres = 0.25, float iou_thres = 0.45, int max_det = 300) {
- auto bs = prediction.size(0);
- auto nc = prediction.size(1) - 4;
- auto nm = prediction.size(1) - nc - 4;
- auto mi = 4 + nc;
- auto xc = prediction.index({Slice(), Slice(4, mi)}).amax(1) > conf_thres;
- prediction = prediction.transpose(-1, -2);
- prediction.index_put_({"...", Slice({None, 4})}, xywh2xyxy(prediction.index({"...", Slice(None, 4)})));
- std::vector<torch::Tensor> output;
- for (int i = 0; i < bs; i++) {
- output.push_back(torch::zeros({0, 6 + nm}, prediction.device()));
- }
- for (int xi = 0; xi < prediction.size(0); xi++) {
- auto x = prediction[xi];
- x = x.index({xc[xi]});
- auto x_split = x.split({4, nc, nm}, 1);
- auto box = x_split[0], cls = x_split[1], mask = x_split[2];
- auto [conf, j] = cls.max(1, true);
- x = torch::cat({box, conf, j.toType(torch::kFloat), mask}, 1);
- x = x.index({conf.view(-1) > conf_thres});
- int n = x.size(0);
- if (!n) { continue; }
- // NMS
- auto c = x.index({Slice(), Slice{5, 6}}) * 7680;
- auto boxes = x.index({Slice(), Slice(None, 4)}) + c;
- auto scores = x.index({Slice(), 4});
- auto i = nms(boxes, scores, iou_thres);
- i = i.index({Slice(None, max_det)});
- output[xi] = x.index({i});
- }
- return torch::stack(output);
- }
- torch::Tensor clip_boxes(torch::Tensor& boxes, const std::vector<int>& shape) {
- boxes.index_put_({"...", 0}, boxes.index({"...", 0}).clamp(0, shape[1]));
- boxes.index_put_({"...", 1}, boxes.index({"...", 1}).clamp(0, shape[0]));
- boxes.index_put_({"...", 2}, boxes.index({"...", 2}).clamp(0, shape[1]));
- boxes.index_put_({"...", 3}, boxes.index({"...", 3}).clamp(0, shape[0]));
- return boxes;
- }
- torch::Tensor scale_boxes(const std::vector<int>& img1_shape, torch::Tensor& boxes, const std::vector<int>& img0_shape) {
- auto gain = (std::min)((float)img1_shape[0] / img0_shape[0], (float)img1_shape[1] / img0_shape[1]);
- auto pad0 = std::round((float)(img1_shape[1] - img0_shape[1] * gain) / 2. - 0.1);
- auto pad1 = std::round((float)(img1_shape[0] - img0_shape[0] * gain) / 2. - 0.1);
- boxes.index_put_({"...", 0}, boxes.index({"...", 0}) - pad0);
- boxes.index_put_({"...", 2}, boxes.index({"...", 2}) - pad0);
- boxes.index_put_({"...", 1}, boxes.index({"...", 1}) - pad1);
- boxes.index_put_({"...", 3}, boxes.index({"...", 3}) - pad1);
- boxes.index_put_({"...", Slice(None, 4)}, boxes.index({"...", Slice(None, 4)}).div(gain));
- return boxes;
- }
- int main() {
- // Device
- torch::Device device(torch::cuda::is_available() ? torch::kCUDA :torch::kCPU);
- // Note that in this example the classes are hard-coded
- std::vector<std::string> classes {"person", "bicycle", "car", "motorcycle", "airplane", "bus", "train", "truck", "boat", "traffic light", "fire hydrant",
- "stop sign", "parking meter", "bench", "bird", "cat", "dog", "horse", "sheep", "cow", "elephant", "bear", "zebra",
- "giraffe", "backpack", "umbrella", "handbag", "tie", "suitcase", "frisbee", "skis", "snowboard", "sports ball", "kite",
- "baseball bat", "baseball glove", "skateboard", "surfboard", "tennis racket", "bottle", "wine glass", "cup", "fork", "knife",
- "spoon", "bowl", "banana", "apple", "sandwich", "orange", "broccoli", "carrot", "hot dog", "pizza", "donut", "cake", "chair",
- "couch", "potted plant", "bed", "dining table", "toilet", "tv", "laptop", "mouse", "remote", "keyboard", "cell phone",
- "microwave", "oven", "toaster", "sink", "refrigerator", "book", "clock", "vase", "scissors", "teddy bear", "hair drier", "toothbrush"};
- try {
- // Load the model (e.g. yolov8s.torchscript)
- std::string model_path = "/path/to/yolov8s.torchscript";
- torch::jit::script::Module yolo_model;
- yolo_model = torch::jit::load(model_path);
- yolo_model.eval();
- yolo_model.to(device, torch::kFloat32);
- // Load image and preprocess
- cv::Mat image = cv::imread("/path/to/bus.jpg");
- cv::Mat input_image;
- letterbox(image, input_image, {640, 640});
- torch::Tensor image_tensor = torch::from_blob(input_image.data, {input_image.rows, input_image.cols, 3}, torch::kByte).to(device);
- image_tensor = image_tensor.toType(torch::kFloat32).div(255);
- image_tensor = image_tensor.permute({2, 0, 1});
- image_tensor = image_tensor.unsqueeze(0);
- std::vector<torch::jit::IValue> inputs {image_tensor};
- // Inference
- torch::Tensor output = yolo_model.forward(inputs).toTensor().cpu();
- // NMS
- auto keep = non_max_suppression(output)[0];
- auto boxes = keep.index({Slice(), Slice(None, 4)});
- keep.index_put_({Slice(), Slice(None, 4)}, scale_boxes({input_image.rows, input_image.cols}, boxes, {image.rows, image.cols}));
- // Show the results
- for (int i = 0; i < keep.size(0); i++) {
- int x1 = keep[i][0].item().toFloat();
- int y1 = keep[i][1].item().toFloat();
- int x2 = keep[i][2].item().toFloat();
- int y2 = keep[i][3].item().toFloat();
- float conf = keep[i][4].item().toFloat();
- int cls = keep[i][5].item().toInt();
- std::cout << "Rect: [" << x1 << "," << y1 << "," << x2 << "," << y2 << "] Conf: " << conf << " Class: " << classes[cls] << std::endl;
- }
- } catch (const c10::Error& e) {
- std::cout << e.msg() << std::endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }