CITATION.cff 764 B

  1. # This CITATION.cff file was generated with
  2. cff-version: 1.2.0
  3. title: Ultralytics YOLO
  4. message: >-
  5. If you use this software, please cite it using the
  6. metadata from this file.
  7. type: software
  8. authors:
  9. - given-names: Glenn
  10. family-names: Jocher
  11. affiliation: Ultralytics
  12. orcid: ''
  13. - given-names: Ayush
  14. family-names: Chaurasia
  15. affiliation: Ultralytics
  16. orcid: ''
  17. - family-names: Qiu
  18. given-names: Jing
  19. affiliation: Ultralytics
  20. orcid: ''
  21. repository-code: ''
  22. url: ''
  23. license: AGPL-3.0
  24. version: 8.0.0
  25. date-released: '2023-01-10'