123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124 |
- # D:/workplace/python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # @File :train.py
- # @Author:Guido LuXiaohao
- # @Date :2020/4/8
- # @Software:PyCharm
- import numpy as np
- import tensorflow as tf
- from keras.callbacks import ReduceLROnPlateau
- from keras.optimizers import Adam, SGD, RMSprop
- from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
- from keras.models import Model
- from keras.callbacks import LearningRateScheduler
- from keras.layers import Dense, GlobalAveragePooling2D, Dropout
- from dataset.class_dataloader import load_sample, DataGenerator, myDataloderV2, MydatasetV2
- from dataset.augmention import get_training_augmentation, get_valing_augmentation
- from nets.temp_mobilenetv3 import MobileNetV3_Small
- from nets.temp_ghost import GhostModel
- from nets.temp_multinetV1 import mutinet
- from nets.densenet.densenet import DenseNet, DenseNetImageNet121, DenseNetImageNet161, DenseNetImageNet169, \
- DenseNetImageNet201, DenseNetImageNet264
- from nets.efficientnets.efficientnet import EfficientNetB0, EfficientNetB1, EfficientNetB2, EfficientNetB3, \
- EfficientNetB4, EfficientNetB5, EfficientNetB6, EfficientNetB7
- config = tf.ConfigProto()
- config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
- sess = tf.Session(config=config)
- def lr_schedule(epoch):#定义一个函数,接受轮数为参数, 返回学习率
- """Learning Rate Schedule
- Learning rate is scheduled to be reduced after 80, 120, 160, 180 epochs.
- Called automatically every epoch as part of callbacks during training.
- # Arguments
- epoch (int): The number of epochs
- # Returns
- lr (float32): learning rate
- """
- lr = 1e-3
- if epoch > 1800: # 0.5e-6
- lr *= 0.5e-3
- elif epoch > 100: # 1e-6
- lr *= 1e-3
- elif epoch > 50: # 1e-5
- lr *= 1e-1
- elif epoch > 15: # 1e-4
- lr *= 5e-1
- print('Learning rate: ', lr)
- return lr
- def add_new_last_layer(base_model, nb_classes):
- x = base_model.output
- x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x)
- x = Dense(1024, activation='relu')(x)
- x = Dense(512, activation='relu')(x)
- x = Dense(128, activation='relu')(x)
- x = Dropout(0.5)(x)
- predictions = Dense(nb_classes, activation='softmax')(x)
- model = Model(input=base_model.input, output=predictions)
- return model
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # Training parameters超参数
- batch_size = 2
- epochs = 3000
- num_classes = 4
- model_save_path = r""
- model_name = 'model.{epoch:04d}-{val_acc:.5f}.h5'
- train_file_path = r'C:\Users\VINNO\Desktop\1111111\train'
- test_file_path = r'C:\Users\VINNO\Desktop\1111111\val'
- # 按文件夹生成标签
- trainX, trainY = load_sample(train_file_path)
- testX, testY = load_sample(test_file_path)
- traindata = MydatasetV2(trainX, trainY, augmentation=get_training_augmentation(), size=(160, 160))
- valdata = MydatasetV2(testX, testY, augmentation=get_valing_augmentation(), size=(160, 160))
- # training_generator = DataGenerator(trainX, trainY, Is_train=True, shuffle=True, **params)
- # testing_generator = DataGenerator(testX, testY, Is_train=False, shuffle=False, **params)
- training_generator = myDataloderV2(traindata, n_classes=num_classes, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, train=False)
- testing_generator = myDataloderV2(valdata, n_classes=num_classes, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, train=False)
- A = MobileNetV3_Small((160, 160, 3), 4, alpha=1.0, include_top=True)
- model = A.build()
- # 备选模型
- # model = DenseNet(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), depth=40, classes=10, activation='softmax', attention_module='se_block')
- # model = DenseNetImageNet121(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), classes=10, activation='softmax', attention_module='cbam_block')
- # model = DenseNetImageNet161(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), classes=10, activation='softmax', attention_module=None)
- # model = DenseNetImageNet169(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), classes=10, activation='softmax', attention_module=None)
- # model = DenseNetImageNet201(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), classes=10, activation='softmax', attention_module=None)
- # model = DenseNetImageNet264(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), classes=10, activation='softmax', attention_module=None)
- # model = EfficientNetB0(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), weights=None, classes=10)
- # model = EfficientNetB1(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), weights=None, classes=10)
- # model = EfficientNetB2(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), weights=None, classes=10)
- # model = EfficientNetB3(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), weights=None, classes=10)
- # model = EfficientNetB4(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), weights=None, classes=10)
- # model = EfficientNetB5(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), weights=None, classes=10)
- # model = EfficientNetB6(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), weights=None, classes=10)
- # model = EfficientNetB7(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), weights=None, classes=10)
- lr_scheduler = LearningRateScheduler(lr_schedule)
- lr_reducer = ReduceLROnPlateau(factor=np.sqrt(0.1), # 学习率减少器, 学不动的时候降低学习率
- cooldown=0,
- patience=5,
- min_lr=0.5e-6)
- opt = Adam(lr=lr_schedule(0), decay=lr_schedule(0) / epochs)
- model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=Adam(lr=lr_schedule(0)),
- metrics=["accuracy"])
- filepath = model_save_path + model_name
- checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor='val_acc', verbose=1, save_best_only=True,
- mode='max')
- # 回调学习率
- callbacks_list = [checkpoint, lr_reducer, lr_scheduler]
- # train the network
- print("[INFO] training network...")
- H = model.fit_generator(generator=training_generator,
- validation_data=testing_generator, steps_per_epoch=len(trainX)//batch_size,
- epochs=epochs, callbacks=callbacks_list, verbose=1)